- Like so many Parties all week, including another tonight!
- Getting my driver's permit!
- Sewing a dress from a vintage pattern!
- No school!
- Shopping and hanging out with my grandparents this week!
- We saw The Nutcracker!
- A little boy told me I was beautiful and a waitress told me I looked like a princess...good day!
- Today has been completely set aside to make cookies until the Christmas eve party tonight!
- Tomorrow is Christmas! It still doesn't feel like it to me, but maybe after cookies or the party.
- Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Its the Little Things...
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Nutcracker!
It was so fun to go out with all of the girls in the family! I hope we do it again soon!
What I Wore 12-23-11
Dress-Estate sale; Shoes-Dillards; Tights-? Pearls-Estate Sale & Garage Sale;
Annual Gingerbread House Party!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
What I Wore 12-21-11
Dress-CHarlotte Russe; Shoes-Target; Scarf-Gifted; Bracelets-mom's; Coat-moms;
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
What I Wore 12-19-11
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday's Style 12-18-11
Vintage Coat-Thrifted; Dress- Thrifted; Tights-Kmart; Vintage shoes-Thrifted; Vintage gloves-Thrifted; Vintage necklaces-Thrifted; Vintage Earings-Thrifted;
Saturday, December 17, 2011
What I Wore 12-17-11
Its the Little Things...
- Like taking a little girl to Walmart and buying Christmas gifts for her. My school was doing a sub for santa program this morning and we took hundreds of kids on busses and took them shopping for themselves and their family. It was so fun and special!
- Christmas break! I get weeks off to myself! No homework or stress about grades!
- Reading Stargirl. I seriously would love to be her. I would totally wear prarie dresses to school everyday. It would be nice to be so oblivious to the world and people around you.
- Sleepover with Lauren! We watched Mama Mia (great movie!) and ate apples. Her little sister showed us the dances she is going to perform today, and after seeing how bendy she is, we started stretching so we can get our splits (again)!
- Nearly one week until Christmas-are you ready!?
Friday, December 16, 2011
What I Wore 12-16-11
Thursday, December 15, 2011
A Letter to Santa
I have been really good this year. Did you hear about my goals to be a better person? I think I have done well, although I am not close to being through. I try to keep an even temper when my sister is involved. I tried to feel bad about yelling at her for getting popcorn on a drawing. It is a work in progress. I work hard. I eat well, and excercize. I may be stubborn, but that just means that I won't give up when I set my mind to something. I guess now is when I attatch that Christmas list of mine:
- Anything vintage really scores big points with me. (pins, hats, dresses, coloring books, gloves, barbies...you get the idea.
- I really loved the stuff at Icing by Clares. The pink purse that looks like a bowling bag is so cool! The matching belt and jewelry would make such an incredible outfit!
- There were a few things I really loved at DSW. I knew it was love at first sight when I saw those pink, sequin heels. The bag with lace and fur (in tan) was so unique. I think I could use it a lot.
- Dear Lizzie has the most amazing and unique clothes like the white lace blouse that ties and has poofy sleeves. Remember those two dresses I tried on? Not to mention the pants that look like Missoni....
- Anything H&M would tickle me pink. Like the hot pink pants, for example, or the fur hat. I love the tuxedo dress and jacket too! I don't think a single post could list how many incredible things there are that I love from H&M.
- Have I tackled my love for pink yet? What about glitter? I want to put a vampire to shame this year.
- I would love new nail polish and makeup...that glitters.
- Would you cringe if I mention knitting and crocheting? I don't blame you after today's attempts. Yelling at the needles probably doesn't look good from the North Pole, hu?
I don't expect everything on the list, but I figured it would make some nice ideas or suggestions;) I would just like to say, thanks for reading this letter, Santa, and Have a merry Christmas!
What I Wore 12-15-11
- Cutting out pattern pieces for my dress
- Watching Mulan in chinese
- Drawing with charcoal
- Math test(yuck!)
Other than math (which is actually really easy for me this year...third times the charm?) my day is going to be pretty fun. We actually started Mulan last class period, and I wanted to jump up on my desk and sing along in english. Due to the chance that my spontanious broadway-worthy act may have been frowned upon, I hummed to myself silently instead.Do you love this dress as much as I do? It was last year's Christmas outfit. I felt the need to end the week with my fellow classmates with a Christmas spirit bang! Tomorrow's outfit is picked out, on the bed, and full out santa's elf, festive, pow! In other words, you may or may not like it. It all depends on your love for the holiday-themed-colors.