Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Photo an Hour

I have seen posts like this all the time so I tried one too! The main idea is I take a picture every hour just showing how I spent my day.


Breakfast! I love my daily oatmeal!

7:37 What to wear?


Into the car! We stopped at an estate sale, and it was a total bust...wasnt actually an estate sale. The guy was moving so he was selling the things in his living room and half the things in his kitchen while he was eating breakfast.


Waiting in line. Oh was it cold!

This is officially the best estate sale I have ever been to. This woman loved expensive clothes and shoes. Best part? She was my size!


Back in the car! We headed back to that estate sale. I had to get more!


Round two!


It paid going back! well actually I paid- in quarters.


Wendy's apple pecan salad! Yum!


I took pictures for my next outfit post. I saw the bee on my way inside.


Snack time!

I finaly made room for all of my vintage gloves and scarfs in a drawer!


I cleaned my room. It needed it bad. I plan on keeping it clean. How many times have I said that?


I changed my clothes to go to Gardener Village. If you are in Utah during the fall season, seeing their witches is an absolute must!


Walking around and taking pictures with witches.

Sorry guys, the day ends here for the post. We ate dinner and went to bed after. No interesting pictures to post. ;)

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